Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ugh... + Bleh... = Day

 This post was written last Monday (5 days ago) but never got posted due to Internet issues.

So I'm writing this in the car in Michigan and it's like 10:29 here. So like 7:29 in Seattle. And I'm actually surprised how good I feel because usually I get sick when I read in the car.
Actually I don't feel that good to begin with, since I was flying all day and flying makes me sick to my stomach, which sucks. As I said to Dad on the plane: "I don't want to go to Michigan. I want to be there already".
Also it's possible I left my iPod touch in the plane.
BUT we have access to the Internet through Mom's tablet but since the network comes though the cell network and the cell network is kinda bad out here the network could die at any time.
Yesterday I upgraded my Ubuntu installation to 11.04 (LTS - long term support) and I was SO excited because it had this super cool new interface with a dashboard and a global menu bar and a dock thingy. But when I used it the dash doesn't work right - the search is useless cause it can't find anything, and the buttons for find files and more applications and like 2 others that I can't remember don't work. The only buttons that work are the Browse the Web button, the chat client button for Empathy and 2 others I can't remember. The only one I really care about is Firefox, which leaves whatever is in my dock and Firefox as the applications I can launch using the new interface. So while it looks cool, it actually kinda sucks. And when I used the classic interface because I didn't like the new one, a ton of panel items were missing. >:/ !

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