Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Alex's Friend

Hey so this blog is called ramblingsfromalex.blogspotwhateverwhatever. The point being, ramblings, of which there have been few in recent times. I have valiantly put forth my time to hold off the day this blog changes from ramblingsfromalex.blogwhatever to badnerdjokesfromalex.blogspwhatever. You're welcome.
As you may have gathered from recent posts, I suffer from EXTREME narcissism. It is my cross to bear. Other than that, though, the blogo/nerdosphere knows little to nothing about me. Well, except for Alex. But that goes without saying.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm where to start. I like art? No. That's a bad start. Ignore that. I've decided I'm not allowed to press the delete key so this is going to be interesting and definitely a RAMBLING. (Big titles are needed).
Starting over. Not completely over, but let's start over from the point where I haltingly begin to describe myself. Does that seem like a good spot? I guess.
Why don't I answer some of the questions I asked Alex. That wasn't actually a question. It was like that thing that the teacher does when you don't actually have a choice so just ANSWER THE QUESTION NOW. Anyway. Questions.

Where would I want to live? Either Seattle or Europe. England maybe? OMG ACCENTS. So that would be a yes to England.

Where do I want to be right now... Okay so in this very moment I want to be on that little planet that the Little Prince lived in originally where he would just scoot his lawn chair an inch to the side to watch sunsets.

Dream Vacation. NYC. Friends. Shopping. Central Park. Nuff said.

Okay so I'm getting bored of this. So I'm gonna stop.

I'll leave the nerdosphere with a pic or something and then I'll go.
Alex's Friend

Friday, May 25, 2012


(edit: this was supposed to be published a little while ago. I'm not sure why that never happened.) Greta's yelling at me over Gmail to post something about her.
I heard that Greta is pretty cool, but she was terrible this morning because she was going to replace her best guy friend ever, Alex, with another ginger she knew, Ian. Luckily drama was averted when in Science class, Greta asked Alex to put away a laptop for her and Alex was able to bargain his way into staying friends, because he really did like being Greta's friend.
You're welcome

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Hi! I haven't updated this blog very seriously in a while, so this post is to catch up. Mostly.
Basically, I want to catch up on the development projects that I'm doing, then update regularly with stuff I do with them.
I now have a production server with a tiny 512 MB of RAM (before I wiped the hard drive it was running Windows 2000; that's how old this thing is), but that's ok because it doesn't have a graphical environment to suck up resources because it's running Ubuntu Server, which doesn't come with a graphical environment, only a command-line one. I also have a domain name, alexj.jumpingcrab.com, but it doesn't work yet due to the fact that my house's internet wireless station is blocking traffic. I'll get that sorted out eventually.
I also have or plan to have several (sub)subdomains from that:
  • emergence.alexj.jumpingcrab.com
    • This will eventually run my emergence-story project software; the website for this project can be found here and the GitHub repository can be found here. Yes, I'm using GitHub and I have a Google Site. More on that later.
  • bugzilla.alexj.jumpingcrab.com
    • As you may have guessed, this will eventually run an instance of Mozilla's Bugzilla bug tracking software. I'm still in the process of installing and configuring this.
    • I may also run into Apache (I'm using Apache2, in case you were wondering) configuration issues for this even after I actually get Bugzilla installed.
  • lmwtfy.alexj.jumpingcrab.com
    • I'm in the process of writing this software; lmwtfy stands for Let Me Wikipedia That For You. It's inspired by lmgtfy.com. I can't link to the GitHub repository or the website for it because neither exist yet. Hopefully by the time I write in depth about this, they will. As you've probably guessed by the previous sentence, more on this project later.
    • I have yet to actually set up the DNS record for this.
  • wiki.alexj.jumpingcrab.com
    • This will eventually run an instance of MediaWiki (which powers the Wikimedia Foundation's projects, including Wikipedia), and I once got to a setup page for this, but then I made a couple of changes and it's broken again. Someday!
  • hg.alexj.jumpingcrab.com (I think.)
    • I'm eventually going to run software that will mirror my GitHub repositories to a Mercurial (hg) instance that I'll run on my server. Something like this is done for Mozilla.
    • Then I'll find a way to publish hg commit logs and stuff through the web. Again, like Mozilla.
  • Possibly (but not likely) others that I have thought of, but am forgetting now.
  • Possibly others that I have thought of, but seriously am not sure about wanting to actually set up.
    • mail.alexj.jumpingcrab.com/imap.alexj.jumpingcrab.com/smtp.alexj.jumpingcrab.com/pop3.alexj.jumpingcrab.com/etc.
      • These, in case you didn't know, all have to do with mail. Basically, I'm saying that I might start running a mail server, and register the needed DNS records for them.
    • irc.alexj.jumpingcrab.com
      • Yep, I've kind of been thinking of running an IRC server. Whee!
  • Possibly others that I haven't thought of yet!
By the way, I use freedns.afraid.org for free DNS (and a free subdomain name - alexj.jumpingcrab.com - that I can use off a domain - jumpingcrab.com - that's been donated to freedns.afraid.org). It's awesome.
Yup. I was going to write a post way longer than this, but my friend is bugging me to post. So I'll finish it in a couple more parts.

Monday, May 21, 2012

I hate you

You suck. Ok jk, not really, but still.
On an unrelated note, this blog is not in the Wayback Machine.

Alex's Friend strikes again!

ummmmm alex you're forgetting that the new About page is only THE BEST ABOUT PAGE EVER.
You can thank me now.
-Alex's Friend

Why did you do this to me

Hi [My] Friend, why would you change my About this Blog? Now I'll have to work to remember what it was and write it again.
Also, please start titling your posts because "Alex's Friend" is slightly boring (no offense)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Magenta: my other blog URL
Tangerine: I don't like anyone right now
Black: I dunno. I honestly can't think of something specific right now except this one time when I was little, I was lying on the floor with a toothpaste tube for some reason and I was squeezing it and it burst and I got toothpaste all over myself

Hi, my friend. This is Re: your last post.

I'm confused. You want me to answer the questions and guess about the images?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Alex's Friend.

ALEX. I found this on some tumblr because I'm obsessed with tumblrs. Duh.

I'm too lazy to email this to you so it's going on your blog.

My challenge to you:

TANGERINE (no names)



Signing out,
Alex's Friend

Sunday, May 13, 2012

[tumblr] hi, i'm a tumblr post

via http://strugee.tumblr.com/post/22999068292

Dear Friend

Hi, my friend -
Your expectations of me posting something profound were way out of whack. My next post was going to be a fairly long one talking about dev projects that I'm doing, most likely, and the length means that it'd take forever to get published.
Also, you forgot to close your parentheses.
Sincerely, me.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Alex's Friend


Sorry Alex, I know you were probably going to post something amazing and profound here, but I just had to steal it from you.

-Alex's Friend (who is feeling particularly mischievious

Sunday, May 6, 2012

(I found this in my drafts; my friend, who for some reason unknown to me wants her name to be anonymous, wrote this. I will be giving blogging lessons to her, eventually. Side note edited in about a minute after this was posted: the next post will be the 100th on this blog)

Hey guys.
So. Just wanted to talk a little bit. I feel like I always have a topic when a blog, and while having one is probably the reasonable and right thing to do, I just felt like not.


By the way, Alex has promised me that he will give me blogging lessons. So far, he has not fulfilled this promise (if you couldn't tell).

I just love insightful discussions like this one.

Chat with Corinne Burger
9:22 PM  me: hi

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Alex's Friend

I want a tumblr just so I can post all my margin drawings on it. Also, it would be nice knowing nobody else was reading it.
-Alex's Friend