Friday, December 30, 2011

Vlog updates + Kansas

So I just got back from Kansas yesterday evening. But before I get to that I have to mention that Zeb came over to my house last Saturday so we could do our Project for Awesome video together, and it was super awesome. Thanks Zeb! I think the awesome actually degraded the longer we were there until we actually finally got the video uploaded, and after that it was fine, but whatever.
Here's our P4A video, in case you haven't watched it (assuming you want to)!
Aaaand also I made a vlog right after!
Then, the first whole day in Kansas, I made another vlog, but before you watch that you have to watch Zeb's edutaining Christmas Eve special.
Wow. I look really bad in these.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

FTL I really want to vlog!

FTL = french the llama. Also, our channel is up and Zeb's already uploaded the first vlog. Whoo! The channel is here.

I'm vlogging!

Yup, and I posted a video on my previously boring regular channel about it. Check it out: