Saturday, March 19, 2011

So what is a computer anyway? - 2ndgen

Hello, and welcome to 2ndgen! This is article 1, so happy cut-the-red-ribbon day? I don't know. Something like that! Anyway, let's move on to the post!

So. We know there are these things called computers. Exactly what are they anyway?

Well, to start, you're using one.

Computers are really complex machines. Instead of using gears or something, they use wires and electrical impulses. At the lowest level, they're zeroz and ones. Binary. Zero represents no impulse, and one represents an impulse. But we're not going to get into that stuff - we're more interested in what that means for us. You can think of a computer as a really fancy extensible calculator. Only one that can do a lot more than process numbers.

Computers are a collection of hardware (computer chips), and software.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hello again, everyone! I would ask how you are, but this is digital and we're not actually talking. So... To get to the point.
I'm going to do a little thing on this blog that I've dubbed "2ndgen". It's pronounced a lot like it sounds - second jen. It comes from the phrase "next generation", meaning the generation of technoloy. 2nd replaces next, because it's, I don't know, similar. Genererion is then shortened to gen.
In this series I'll be outlining a bunch of computer stuff in layman terms. We'll advance sequentially, building on what we've learned before. It should be fun.
Expect my frat 2ndgen post soon, called, "What is a computer anyway?"
We will be addressing mobile devices, although not in detail. This is because I actually know a lot more about desktops, so I'm not in a good position to be teaching about mobile devices. Another setback is there is such a variety of hardware and software, and you've got tablets in there too. The structure will basically be that we're going to totally ignore mobile devices, so you could read through the whole thing without sparing a whit of thought for them, but then we'll have little bits that add relavent info to the post that relates.